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  • Writer's pictureleahsommer

Media Monday — And the Oscar Goes To…Google?

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

As a recent Apple ex-pat, I’ve been really enjoying the specialty Google spots airing in recent high-profile events.

The Grammy’s gave us the Bitmoji Battle with Childish Gambino on #TeamPixel and Ariana Grande on #TeamiPhone, which, by the way, inspired me to finally find my own bit-voice.

Then, last night’s Academy Awards gave us, among others, this fun minute-long look at how some of our favorite movies could have turned out differently with the suite of Google, and Google-integrated, devices.

I thought it was a great way to celebrate pivotal (and ordinary) moments in these films as a way to illustrate how Google increasingly assists in our lives in ways big and small.

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